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MarioRuns IRC Bot

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 09:02
by minikori
I am writing an IRC Bot that will be run on the Mario Runs Twitch account. It will function as follows:
    -It will be hosting featured channels as often as possible (hopefully 24/7, depending on how many channels are live)
    -It will cycle through hosted channels on a set interval (2 hours? Undecided)
    -Channel owners will have to opt in to being on this list. No one will be hosted without their permission.
    -Users in chat will be able to use commands to vote on moving to a new channel, or staying on the current channel longer than the default time
The purpose of this is to further promote Mario Runs, as well as allow more streamers to gain popularity, as users who are new to the SM64 community can follow this channel and see a variety of runners.
I've made some decent progress tonight as far as IRC bots go and hope to have a most working prototype within a week or so. I'm open to criticism so let me know here or on Twitch of any ideas/issues/concerns you have.

EDIT: I think I've reached a stage where this will be deployable. Here is the documentation I've written up on it:

Re: MarioRuns IRC Bot

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:27
by Vulpone
Sounds like a great idea :)

im a noob and dont get any viewers so this is a great idea for me get subs so that i can harass simpleflips

Re: MarioRuns IRC Bot

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 23:37
by minikori
The bot was semi-debuted today during the 120 relay race and it performed pretty well (didn't blow up when a bunch of people opted into the whitelist). Hopefully it will be running 24/7 soon :)