After seeing MarioRuns take its first few steps, I've gathered a few ideas to hopefully aid site function and activity.
But first off, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who advertises the website and forums. We received 25,000 hits in just 2 weeks and it honestly could not have been possible without all your contributions!
With your great work aside, I've received a lot of messages from people who are wondering if they can stream a different game after having their stream featured on the front page. I'd like to firstly address that this is fine in the time being. I plan on coding a simple module which filters those who aren't streaming SM64 and featuring only those who are playing the game. [done]
Secondly, the streams section is scheduled for a redesign. I'm not really happy with the design of the thumbnails (I did it all with raw code), it looks pretty sour to me. Also I'm not entirely sure whether automatically playing a random stream when the user enters the site is a good idea. It can be annoying. Any ideas on this would be appreciated, though. [done]
As for the leaderboards, everything seems to be okay. Those who enable email updates, I hope they're working for you. Also, the guides/resources page is due for a redesign, the pages seem a little bland. [done]
That's everything on my mind anyway, I want to make MarioRuns as competitive, as entertaining and as social as it can possibly be. If you have any more suggestions or ideas, don't hesitate to contact me. Who knows what else the future holds. As always though, I appreciate everyone's support, you're all amazing.
But yeah, back to Mareo.