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New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2014, 13:17
by vegard
Hi guys,

I propose a variant of the usual 70 and 120 stars categories based on something siglemic said recently. The new categories use a gameshark code to allow the player to continue playing the current level when they grab a star. I call them "non stop" categories, since you don't stop when grabbing a star. This should lead to some interesting new routes.

I also included the intro skip code because the intro is just a pointless waste of time if we're making a new category anyway.

Here are the codes:


8124ba34 2400
8124dc74 0000
8124dc76 0000
8124dc1c 0000
8124dc1e 0000


8124bbd4 2400
8124de1c 0000
8124de1e 0000
8124ddbc 0000
8124ddbe 0000

VC: (thanks, abitalive!)
030B5D54 00002400
050B7F9C 00000000
050B7F3C 00000000

I thought about removing text boxes entirely as well, but I rejected that idea in the interest of keeping the code short.

Please post your VODs in this thread if you record a run :-)

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:22
by SpectreXS
Also skipping bowser throws? This with a "enter the pipe, get the key" code would be amazing

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2014, 06:34
by bendy
Sounds pretty cool... you'd need to include deaths or s&q in the route to spawn various stars, e.g. top of the fortress, koopa races, manta ray, or if you're stuck in pyramid/volcano etc.

Gonna try this out later

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2014, 07:20
by hellool
This is really interesting. I may try to do some routing for some stages later

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2014, 11:16
by ThatDrunkenDwarf
Sounds like a cool idea, however like stated above there would have to be multiple entries for certain stages. I'd love to see the routing this offers. FrankerZ

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2014, 07:13
by Hafus
Is there a way when you get a star it comes up with a yes/no text box and it exits the stage or lets you continue?

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2014, 11:18
by vegard
VOD from the race between SimpleFlips, steveobroil, and Harper:

SimpleFlips finished with 44:29.

A few lessons that were learned:
* The only way to save is to hit a cap switch, so if you game over you will lose your progress since the last cap switch
* Grabbing a star cancels your cap powers, if you have one
* Grabbing Bowser keys do not make you exit the stage, but grabbing the final Bowser star does trigger the end sequence

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2014, 05:58
by snowman
I'm ready for the lmaos

but is there a way to get this on VC? want to race with a buddy in this category and he only has that version

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2014, 00:23
by toastrider

Re: New 70 and 120 star "non stop" categories

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2014, 03:04
by abitalive
snowman wrote:I'm ready for the lmaos

but is there a way to get this on VC? want to race with a buddy in this category and he only has that version

VC code is at the bottom of this post.