Hey guys, it's Crusher!

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Hey guys, it's Crusher!

Postby SphericalCrusher » 12 Sep 2014, 19:45

Hey guys! I'm SphericalCrusher or just Crusher. Twitch.tv/SphericalCrusher

I got into speed running a couple of months ago. I just started running 16-star Super Mario 64 because it's my favorite Mario game of all time. My current PB is 36:03, so I have a long ways to improve. I really enjoy running the game despite all the mistakes I make. Great site and awesome community! Glad to be here!
Check out my Twitch.tv Channel! Twitch.tv/SphericalCrusher
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Posts: 26
Joined: 12 Sep 2014, 06:04
Location: Rome, GA. USA.

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