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by Dufuss » 27 Apr 2014, 06:06
You the man! It's about time a good site was made. I only wish I had heard of it sooner

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- Joined: 27 Apr 2014, 06:03
by SimplyN64 » 28 Apr 2014, 05:51
welcome denotu ur epic for making this website welcome again
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- Joined: 05 Dec 2013, 04:09
by Shredwot » 29 Apr 2014, 00:42
Simply thats enough let these old threads die
Raise your dingers ヽOneHandノ

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- Location: Ur mom (rekt)
by sicko » 29 Apr 2014, 04:57
denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest denotu is the greatest
n64 yo
70 star: 51:42
120 star: 1:49:27

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by Shredwot » 30 Apr 2014, 12:09
Welcome to MarioRuns.com the home of the mario community and mario shit talking. Sicko is our glorious leader who you must donate 3 coins per month to to keep from being banished, Bebop is vice-leader but that doesn't mean shit. Ask questions, come to the practice room and enjoy your stay.

Raise your dingers ヽOneHandノ

- Posts: 118
- Joined: 19 Nov 2013, 14:06
- Location: Ur mom (rekt)
by BigRyEntertain » 10 May 2014, 06:19
Thank you for bringing the Mario community together like this, Denotu. Even tho I just started speedrunning Mario a couple weeks ago, this forum has really been amazing for me as I continue to improve. I am definitely making sure to get the word out on this great forum as much as possible! Anyways, thanks again for all the time u put into this, as well as the continued effort to make it better everyday! It definitely does not go unnoticed in my eyes! U rock! :D

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- Joined: 24 Apr 2014, 12:04
- Location: Washington State
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